Friday, November 21, 2008


We've apparently started something new and I don't like it. Madison has started to spit out food. She will start eating her lunch or dinner and then half way through she decides she doesn't like it anymore (even though she liked the first 10 bites) and then she'll go spit it in the toilet. The first time I let her do it cuz I felt sorry for her, but now it just makes me mad. Two days in a row, she's been sitting in the corner. Just great! When is this gonna stop?

When I put her in the corner and walked away, she started crying hysterically, asking if I was still mad at her. I tried to ignore her until I heard a boom and realized she had fallen backward out of her little Dora "time out" chair. When I ran in to rescue her, she looked at me, with tears in her eyes, and asked if I still loved her. Well, needless to say, I scooped her up and she didn't have to sit in the corner any more. I know, I'm a sucker, but that question broke my heart.

1 comment:

Hippie Family... said...

aww poor baby... they grow out of it by 23 right?